Thursday, June 7, 2007

There is a place in my heart for you...

that no one will ever take.
You make it even more unique
each particular day.
When I am with you
everything is perfect,
when I look into your eyes
I see nothing but absolute safety.
With your arms around me
I can feel your heart.
My heart moves to the same pace as yours.
It's has if we are one.
One body
one heart
one soul.
Moving as one now.
We are one, we move into a room.
A dark room, where I would normally be fearful
but because I'm with you,
I’m not.
Your touch sends a bolt of complete ecstasy
through my body.
I know for the first time
I am not alone,
I am truly loved, and I am truly beautiful.
You give that to me,
but what do I have to give you?
I give myself.
All of me, the most secret of gifts.
My purity
my innocence
my power.

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